(Available in other languages – EspaƱol, Nederlands, Italiano, Estonian)
Butterflies are Free to Fly: A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution is a free ebook written to examine how quantum physics and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding of life, our reality, and our spirituality – and giving us a new model for the way our universe works and the practical steps to take toward true joy and excitement and peace of mind.
You can download the complete ebook free (2.4 Mb) in a .pdf file here.
This .pdf version is actually the best version to read this book. There are color pictures in the book which convert to black-and-white on an older Kindle or Nook, and all the embedded internal links (to navigate around the book) and external links (in the footnotes and to the suggested videos) work in this .pdf version.
If you don’t have Adobe Reader, you can download it free here.
You can download the complete book free for Kindle and all Kindle apps here
Or you can download the complete book free in other file formats…
For .mobi for Mobipocket Reader, or
for .epub for Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo and most of the e-readers, including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions and others, or
for .lrf for Sony Reader, or
for .pdb for Palm Doc,
go to Smashwords.com.
Or click here to download the book for FREE from other websites.
If you want to buy a printed book at cost, click here.
You can read the entire book right here, right now by clicking here…
This is the complete unabridged book, Butterflies Are Free To Fly: A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution, in .mp3 format to listen to on your computer or iPod or other MP3 players, narrated by the author.
It is 14 hours long, and you will be downloading a .zip file of 740 MB, so please be patient. Once downloaded, of course, you will need to unzip it with whatever zip software you have, and you will end up with 36 chapter files – along with an Introduction and three Prefaces – in mp3 format.
*** OR ***
If you would prefer a smaller file (280 MB) with compressed and tagged files for your mp3 player or mobile phone – meaning the quality is somewhat less than the file above – then you can download that here…
Or you can listen to the audiobook in podcast format – one episode at a time – on …
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